Supernova MOBA Wiki
Requires Cyborg level 10
IconCredits Intergalactic Credits 2000
IconPlatinum Platinum 3750
IconProduction Production Cost 500
IconSupply Supply Cost 4
Health 330
Energy 0
Armor Type Medium
Armor 80
Vs. Ground
DPS 27
Bonus Type Light
Attack Range Short
Weapon Damage 18 (+18 to Light)
Attack Speed 1.51/sec.
Vs. Air
DPS 28
Bonus Type Light
Attack Range Short
Weapon Damage 55 (+39 to Light)
Attack Speed 0.50/sec.

Medusas are robotic air units with short range air and ground attack. Absorbs heavy damage. Uses the Blast ability to knock away smaller air units (when researched).


IconBlast Blast: The Medusa knocks away a single enemy non-massive flying unit and stuns it for 3 seconds. (15 seconds cooldown)

IconDisassembling Disassembling: When the Medusa is destroyed nearby units are healed for a small amount.

IconCyborg Cyborg units
IconCrawler CrawlerIconWalkingDroid Walking Droid - IconEnergizer EnergizerIconBeetle BeetleIconGatherer Gatherer - IconHovertank HovertankIconScorcher Scorcher - IconRhino Rhino - IconDisruptor DisruptorIconProtector Protector - IconMedusa MedusaIconBattleship Battleship
IconHuman Human units
IconVulcanSquad Vulcan SquadIconStingerSquad Stinger Squad - IconFieldEngineer Field Engineer - IconCoyote CoyoteIconSpiderCannon Spider CannonIconRatPatrol Rat Patrol - IconGaussTank Gauss TankIconBuffalo Buffalo - IconRaptor RaptorIconEagle Eagle - IconDragonGunship Dragon GunshipIconDrone Drone